August 26, 2019

School Week Night Quiz

by Chompers

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So, how many students go to school every school year in the United States? Find out on tonight's Chompers! 

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>>RACHEL: Welcome to our night class of… Chompers! Your morning and night tooth brushing show. Start brushing on the top of your mouth, pick a side and and brush the inside, outside and chewing side of each tooth. 

>>KIDS: 3-2-1 Brush!


>>RACHEL: It’s School Week, and I’ve finally finished grading all your papers from the pop quiz 


>>RACHEL: -from this morning.

Our question was, about how many students go to school every school year in the United States?

Is it:

16 million students 

56 million students 

Or 100 million students? 

Ready for the answer? 

First, switch your brushing to other side of the top of your mouth…


>>RACHEL: -and brush your front teeth too. 

Alright, can I get a drum roll by stomping your feet?


The answer is… 56 MILLION students!


>>RACHEL: In 2018, about 56 million students went back to school in the United States. 


>>RACHEL: And there are more than 3 million teachers in public schools in the United states. Wow, that’s a lot of students for every teacher to teach!  

Switch your brushing to the bottom of your mouth…

[SWITCH BELL] and give your tongue a brush too.

>>RACHEL: There are all different kinds of schools all around the world! Some schools are super big! Like the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India, which has 55,000 students. 

>>LOTS OF KIDS: Hurray!

>>RACHEL:  But some kids have way fewer classmates … because they’re homeschooled, and the only other kids in their school are their siblings!

TWO KIDS: Hurray!

>>RACHEL:  Being home-schooled means you learn at home, with someone like a parent as a teacher!

Switch your brushing to the other side of the bottom of your mouth…


>>RACHEL: -and keep on brushing.

And one school in Germany is shaped to look like a giant cat! It’s got whiskers and everything! 


>>RACHEL: There’s so many things to love about school, but no matter what kind of school you go to, whether it’s at home, on a boat, or in a cat, a school’s main goal is to be a safe and fun place to learn. Oh, and you’ll probably need a pencil!


>>RACHEL: Yikes, and maybe a pencil sharpener too…


We’ll have lots more for you to learn about school tomorrow! For now, it’s time to…

>>KIDS: 3-2-1 Spit!